Doctoral Thesis/Project Index
Sandra Abramson
Thesis: Increase Cub Scout to Boy Scout Retention by Utilizing The “Arrow of Light” Award
Tim Acree
Watson Ambruster
Commissioner Service and LDS Stakes: ACC-LDS
Philmont Survey
MTC Survey
Commissioner Service and LDS Stakes: ACC-LDS
Karen Bengtson
Establishing an Online Library for Doctoral Theses/Project Files
Lorie Berta
Recruitment of Parental Support for Scouting Units
Cub Scout Parent Handbook
Recruitment of Parental Support for Scouting Units
Parent Orientation Guides
Tim Black
Ray Capp
Starting a Scouting Alumni Outreach in the Middle Tennessee Council
Tricia Cashon
Course Development of Continuing Education Courses Keeping God and Country in Scouting
Keeping Service in Scouting
Keeping Service in Scouting LHC
Keeping Service in Scouting LHC PLC II
Marketing to Today's Youth
Relationship Building
The Commissioner and the Professional-A Working Relationship
International Scouting
Marketing to Today's Youth Outline
Sea Scouts Commissioners
Service Project Planning Sheet
Youth Service Project Ideas
David Chaffin
Thesis: Emphasizing Duty to God in Scouting
Toni-Lee Crawley
Thesis: The History of Sea Scouts in America and the Current State of Sea Scouts in MTC
Dan Fenlon
Project: District Training Day​
Doug Ferguson
Thesis: Achieving Quality Control “Predicting Quality Status by Analyzing Performance Indicators”
Regina Harrison
Thesis: Correlation of Roundtable Attendance and Quality Unit Achievement​
Don Haynes
Thesis: The Necessity of Boy Led Troops
Rob Hersh
Project: Preparing Today’s Commissioner for Tomorrow’s Venturing Success
Introduction to Venturing Commissioner Science
Introduction to Venturing Commssioner Science continue
Crew Visitation Worksheet
Crew Visitation
Safety Awareness
Class Outline Venturing FORUM (Roundtable)
Venturing Monthly Forum
Car Tag Registration
Preparing Today’s Commissioner for Tomorrow’s Venturing Success.​
A J Jackson
Effective Communication Habits for Commissioners
Jim Larson
Using JTE Scores as a Basis to Establish Roundtable Programs
Dr. John Lea
Thesis: Building a Council Commissioner Service
Dennis McNamee
Craig Munsee
Update and Standardize College of Commissioner Science Power Point Presentations
Justin Myrick
Improving the Quality of Merit Badge Universities
Kevin Phillips
The Value of Youth Leadership Training
Gail Plucker
Voice of the Scout: A Commissioner’s Role and a Resource for Council, District and Unit Key 3’s​
Greg Pope
A Methodology for Identifying and Repositioning Highly Ineffective Volunteer Leaders in the Boy Scouts of America
Tracey Rodenbach
The District Commissioner/Professional Relationship:
The Commissioner’s Trail To Resolution When Things Go Off Course Doctoral
Ian Romaine
A Commissioners Guide on How the Order of the Arrow can Help Support Their Units
Theresa Stevenson
History of Scouting in the Heart of Tennessee​
Linda Stinson
Project: Cub Scout “Where to Go” Booklet
Rank requirements Info for Den Leaders
Tiger Project
Wolf Project
Bear Project
Webelos Project
Diogo Tavares
Commissioners: The Benefits to Understanding Language and Culture
Rhonda Tenpenny
Women in Scouting – Then and Now
Robert Weaver
Performance Metrics for the Administrative Commissioner