Endowment Giving
The Middle Tennessee Council Endowment Fund provides a stable, permanent source of income. Gifts to the endowment are invested over the long-term and earnings are used to support council operations. All Memorial Gifts and Planned Gifts are added to the endowment.
Heritage Society
The Heritage Society recognizes supporters who make a $25,000 or greater outright gift or a $100,000 or greater planned gift to the Middle Tennessee Council, Boy Scouts of America (MTC, BSA) Endowment Fund. Outright gifts can be paid over a five-year period. Click the button below to complete pledge form, print and send it to the address at the bottom of the form:
The James E. West Society recognizes supporters who make outright gifts of $1,000 to $24,999 to the Middle TN Council Endowment Fund.
Planned Giving
Planned giving provides a number of ways for you to include charitable giving in your total financial plan. Planned giving can provide significant tax benefits. All planned gifts designated to the Middle Tennessee Council benefit the Council’s endowment fund.
Tax advantages can often make it possible for you to provide a greater gift than you thought possible, while also benefiting your family and heirs. Many donors and supporters of Scouting have chosen planned giving as a way to show their interest in supporting Scouting beyond their lifetime, while realizing some tax benefits today.
The type of asset and the way it is given to Scouting determines the actual tax and financial benefits that can result from a gift. Certain planned gift arrangements provide you with an opportunity to diversify your holdings, turn highly appreciated assets into a gift that provides you income, and allow you to enjoy significant tax savings. With careful planning today, you may reduce or eliminate estate, inheritance, or gift taxes, allowing your family and the charities you support to receive the full benefits of your life's work. Certain gift plans actually result in a greater amount of wealth passed on to your family.
As with all financial decisions, a planned gift should be designed with care. You should work with a planned giving professional to ensure that your gift achieves your individual goals and expresses your personal vision.
Planned gifts in the form of a bequest through your estate are one of the simplest ways to benefit Scouting after your lifetime.
Types of Bequests
Specific Bequest. A specific bequest involves making a gift of a dollar amount to Middle Tennessee Council, Boy Scouts of America.​
Percentage Bequest. A percentage bequest involves leaving a specific percentage of your overall estate to charity. For example, you may wish to leave 20% of your estate to Middle Tennessee Council, Boy Scouts of America.
Residual Bequest. A residual bequest is made from the balance of an estate after the will or trust has given away each of the specific bequests. A common residual bequest involves leaving a percentage of the residue of the estate to charity. For example, you may wish to leave 30% of the residue of your estate to Middle Tennessee Council, Boy Scouts of America.
Contingent Bequest. A contingent bequest is made to charity only if the purpose of the primary bequest cannot be met. For example, you could leave a percentage or specific amount of the estate to the Middle Tennessee Council, should the person you wish to receive the benefit is not alive at the time of your death.
Bequest Language
In order to make a bequest, you should speak with your attorney who can help you include a bequest to Middle Tennessee Council, Boy Scouts of America in your estate plan. We have provided some basic bequest language below:
Specific Bequest: I hereby give, devise and bequeath $ xxx to the Middle Tennessee Council, Boy Scouts of America, a nonprofit organization located at 3414 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37215, Federal Tax ID #62-0477729, for Middle Tennessee Council, Boy Scouts of America's general use and purpose.
Percentage Bequest: I hereby give, devise and bequeath ____% of my total estate, determined as of the date of my death, to the Middle Tennessee Council, Boy Scouts of America, a nonprofit organization located at 3414 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37215, Federal Tax ID #62-0477729, for Middle Tennessee Council, Boy Scouts of America's general use and purpose.
Residual Bequest: I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the Middle Tennessee Council, Boy Scouts of America, a nonprofit organization located 3414 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37215, Federal Tax ID #62-0477729, ALL OR A PERCENTAGE of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to be used for Middle Tennessee Council, Boy Scouts of America's general use and purpose.
Contingent Bequest: If (primary beneficiary) does not survive me, then I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Middle Tennessee Council, Boy Scouts of America, a nonprofit organization located at 3414 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37215, Federal Tax ID #62-0477729, $____to be used for the Middle Tennessee Council, Boy Scouts of America's general use and purpose.
Contact Us
Should you have questions or need additional information, please contact Linda Carter, Assoc. Development Director at lcarter@mtcbsa.org or 615-463-6335.