Reconociendo su excelencia
Middle Tennessee Council reconoce a aquellos jóvenes y voluntarios que se esfuerzan por mejorar el mundo que los rodea a lo largo de su viaje Scouting.
Eagle Scout Rank
Eagle Scout is the highest rank in Scouting and a distinction that will serve you throughout your lifetime. To become an Eagle Scout, each Scout must organize and complete a large-scale community service project called an Eagle Project, in addition to a wide range of wilderness and leadership tests.
Scout of the Year
Since the creation of the Scouting movement in America during 1910, the Boy Scouts of America has sought to teach boys/girls to become better youth, better citizens, and better leaders for the country. As you look across the fabric of America, countless business leaders, politicians, astronauts, and even presidents credit having been in Scouting as a major part of their success. Scouting provides the fundamental skills needed to be the best you can be.
In the Middle Tennessee Council, we want to begin a new tradition, in which we recognize a youth member in each of our Scouting programs; Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouts and STEM Scouts. These Scouts will have gone beyond the expected, and reached unparalleled heights in service to others. The Scout of the Year Award will recognize one registered Scout each from the three program areas. The youth must be a registered and active member of Scouting during the year the nomination is submitted. Reasons to be considered for this recognition can be, but are not limited to, exemplary community service, heroism, lifesaving, and other notable deeds during the award year.
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