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Asistencia Específica


Asistencia Específica Disponible para Scouts Registrados en el

Consejo del Medio Tennessee 


¡Un Scout es útil! Durante muchos años, el Middle Tennessee Council ha brindado asistencia específica como una forma de brindar programas Scouting a jóvenes y adultos que de otro modo no podrían permitirse participar. La financiación proviene de fuentes como la campaña de recaudación de fondos Friends of Scouting, Popcorn Sale, Camp Card Sale y United Way. Entendemos que pedir ayuda puede ser difícil, pero este proceso se implementó para apoyar a las familias durante un momento de necesidad. Queremos que todos experimenten el programa de calidad que Scouting tiene para ofrecer.


La asistencia específica está disponible para brindar asistencia financiera a jóvenes y adultos Scouters para:

  • Registro de Membresía

  • Uniforme de campo BSA

  • Camping en el Consejo de Tennessee Medio


Al completar el formulario de solicitud, se espera que la familia pague lo más posible.  Se consultará a la Unidad del solicitante para confirmar la participación del joven y/o adulto.


Para ser elegible, una unidad de jóvenes o adultos debe participar en 2 de los siguientes:

  • Presentación Familia Amigos del Movimiento Scout

  • Venta de palomitas de maíz

  • Venta de tarjetas de campamento


Debido a fondos limitados, la Asistencia Específica no está disponible para:

  • Bases Nacionales, Philmont, Nivel Norte, Base Marítima o Cumbre

  • Jamboree Nacional o Mundial

  • Campamento y actividades del Non-Middle Tennessee Council


Una solicitud de Asistencia Específica puede ser hecha por un padre o un líder de unidad.  El liderazgo de la Unidad será notificado cuando se apruebe asistencia específica para el registro de miembros.


Las solicitudes generalmente se aprueban dentro de los 5 días hábiles posteriores a la recepción en el Centro de Servicio del Consejo de Middle Tennessee.


Los formularios de Asistencia Específica están disponibles en el Centro de Servicio del Consejo de Middle Tennessee, con su Ejecutivo de Distrito local o haciendo clic en los enlaces a continuación.


Simplemente complete el formulario y devuélvalo a la oficina del Consejo de Middle Tennessee o envíe su solicitud por correo electrónico a


Para obtener información adicional, comuníquese con su Ejecutivo de Distrito o Ejecutivo Scout Adjunto, Vance Lackey, en


Consejo del Medio Tennessee

3414 Hillsboro Pike

Nashville, Tennessee 37215

Teléfono 615.383.9724




The National Special Needs & Disabilities Committee developed a Toolbox to bridge the gap between more general sources of disabilities information and the Methods of Scouting. The purpose of the Inclusion Toolbox for Special Needs and Disabilities is to provide a single comprehensive reference source for disabilities information for the BSA Scouting community. 


  • Access the Inclusion Toolbox HERE


The National BSA office has helpful information on it’s Special Needs & Disabilities Website that can be accessed here:  This website includes general information, webinars and training modules.


Introduction to Working with Scouts with Special Needs and Disabilities 


How to register Scouts with Special Needs and Disabilities

There is no special registration process for Scouts with a disability or special need or procedure to collect such information. Find a unit to join near you at


Parents need to discuss with leaders about any accommodations needed. A good unit can and does make simple accommodations for individual members whenever possible. If the youth has mobility or health restrictions that will affect activities, these are generally collected on the Annual Health and Medical Record and kept in case of a medical emergency by the unit leadership or health and safety officer. Leaders and camp staff and event staff don’t share this information with the entire staff, so parents may find it helpful to talk directly to leaders and staff working with their children about any accommodations needed or strategies that would be helpful.


Advancement for Members With Special Needs and Disabilities

Youth with physical disabilities and youth and adults with developmental or cognitive challenges are welcome in the Boy Scouts of America. As outlined in the Guide to Advancement, various accommodations exist to facilitate advancement. Youth with special needs do not need to join a special unit oriented to serving members with disabilities, although those exist and may be beneficial in some cases. The severity of disability will indicate how members should be registered. When knowledgeable parents, guardians, or volunteers are able to provide assistance and oversight, almost anyone can be a member. While leaders should be enthusiastic about helping those with special needs, they should also recognize the demands that will be placed on their patience, understanding, and skill in working on advancement.


Advancement for Scouts with Special Needs and Disabilities 


Scouts who have disabilities may qualify for limited flexibility in advancement. Unit leaders and parents can develop an Individual Scout Advancement Plan (ISAP) to document proposed and approved alternative advancement requirements.


Individual Scout Advancement Plan (ISAP) 


Camping for Scouts with Special Needs and Disabilities

Preparation is key for successful camping with special needs and disabled Scouts. The unit leader should take time to think about each Scout as an individual and how they will react to camp routine, especially for those who have not attended camp before. If Scouts have anxieties about unfamiliar places, make the camp familiar ahead of time.


Council Camping Director, Jason Flannery, is the best resource for use of Middle Tennessee Council camping facilities, especially Boxwell Reservation in Lebanon, TN, where summer camp takes place. Jason can be reached at


Abilities Digest Newsletter 

Abilities Digest is a quarterly newsletter about Scouting and special needs designed for Scout leaders, volunteers and parents. Any Scouting parent, volunteer, or professional may subscribe. Follow Abilities Digest on Facebook



Contact Linda Carter, Assoc. Development Director, at


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