New to Scouting
Scouting values inclusivity and welcomes people from all backgrounds and abilities. It develops a spirit of teamwork and respect for others. Scouts engage in activities such as camping, training and community service. Through structured programs and mentorship, Scouts have the opportunity to learn about nature, develop problem-solving skills, gain self-confidence and become responsible citizens.
If you would like to learn more about Scouting please click on the button below
New Leader
Welcome and congratulations on becoming a new leader in the Scouting programs of the Scouting America. Thank you for playing such a big part in helping the leaders of tomorrow!
Please click on the button below to learn more about your role. The page is designed to give you a basic introduction to Scouting leadership, and also provide you with some tools to help you “be prepared” to serve your pack.
Ayude a marcar la diferencia en a Youth's Life
La misión del Consejo de Middle Tennessee, Boy Scouts of America, es preparar a los jóvenes para que tomen decisiones éticas y morales a lo largo de su vida inculcándoles los valores del Juramento y la Ley Scout.
Construyendo para el Nuevo Siglo:
Una campaña para la reserva de Boxwell
El Middle Tennessee Council se ha embarcado en una campaña de capital de $14 millones para renovar y reemplazar instalaciones clave en la Reserva Boxwell. Obtenga más información sobre la campaña y únase a nosotros para apoyar este importante esfuerzo.
2023 Scouts of the Year
We are happy to announce our 6 Scouts of the Year for the Middle Tennessee Council.
These 6 are a terrific bunch of Cub, Scout BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts that truly embody the Scout Oath and Law in their everyday life.
William Schroeder, Webelos, Pack 503
Liam Alexander, Eagle Scout, Troop 407
Kendall Beard, Life Scout, Troop 621 and Ship 2910
Kaitlyn Brown, Eagle Scout, Troop 1581
Ephraim Rodenbach, Eagle Scout, Troop 367 and Crew 197
Samuel Rumbley, Eagle Scout, Troop 1204 and Crew 1