Aquatics Safety
In the Scouting America Program , "Aquatics" refers to the program that encompasses various water-based activities like swimming, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, scuba diving, and whitewater rafting, allowing Scouts to earn merit badges related to these skills and participate in aquatic adventures while adhering to strict safety guidelines; essentially, it's the SA's water-related activities program.
Key points about BSA Aquatics:
Merit Badges:
Several merit badges are associated with Aquatics, including Swimming, Lifesaving, Canoeing, Kayaking, Small Boat Sailing, Motorboating, Scuba Diving, and more.
Swim Classification:
Scouts are classified as swimmers, beginners, or non-swimmers based on their swimming ability, which is assessed through a standardized test.
Safety Focus:
A strong emphasis is placed on water safety, including proper supervision, appropriate gear usage, and knowledge of water conditions.
Specialized Activities:
Beyond basic swimming, Scouts can participate in activities like whitewater rafting, stand-up paddleboarding, snorkeling, and boardsailing.
Local Councils:
Each local BSA council may have its own Aquatics Committee that manages and oversees water-based activities within their area.
The Middle Tennessee Council Aquatics Committees purpose is to promote safe and fun Aquatics programs to the youth and leaders in the Middle Tennessee Council. This will be accomplished by appropriate guidance and support from the trained volunteers of the committee.
If you would like to be apart of the Aquatics Committee Please reach out to our chairman
Chairman: Jacob Crawford Jacob.crawford7131@gmail.com
Staff Lead: Jason Flannery jflannery@mtcbsa.org
· February 6th
· March 20th
· April 22nd
· May 13th
If you are needing help with your district event or guidance please reach fill out this form (More to come)
Location Date Time
Clarksville TBD TBD
Cookeville TBD TBD
Lebanon TBD TBD
Murfreesboro TBD TBD
Williamson TBD TBD

For information on the Scouting America Lifeguard Instructor Transition, click here.
Stay current with Aquatics news in the Scouting America. Subscribe here.
Download the Aquatics Subcommittee eNewsletter Summer 2024 5/02/2024
PADI Dive To Adventure Scholarship Program 2025:
To submit your application for the PADI Dive to Adventure Scholarship, CLICK HERE.
Whitewater Rafting Award:
Learn about the new Whitewater Rafting Award here and get the application here
Scouting America Stand Up Paddleboarding Award:
The Scouting America Stand Up Paddleboarding award introduces Scouts to the basics of stand up paddleboarding (SUP) on calm water, including skills, equipment, self rescue, and safety precautions. This award also encourages Scouts to develop paddling skills that promote fitness and safe aquatics recreation.
Click here for an informative PDF, an application, and information for counselors.
CLICK HERE to download the Stand Up Paddleboarding Award Flier
BSA Whitewater Rafting Award Application
BSA Aquatics Play Structure Policy
The Scouting America’s Aquatics Play Structure Policy applies to all play structures operated in Scouting whether inflatable, floatable, or fixed structures. It includes, but is not limited to, slides, swings, mats, logs, rockers, and climbing or bouncing devices.
Program Hazard Analysis: A program hazard analysis must be completed at least annually for each aquatics play structure device in use. The unique risks associated with the device and the operational procedures and practices to mitigate the risks must be documented. The participant’s age and swimming ability, which are appropriate for use of the device, must also be documented. The program hazard analysis must be approved by the council (Aquatics Committee and Enterprise Risk Management Committee).
Location: Aquatics play structures, used individually or in a group, must be isolated from other water activities to safely manage risks. A dedicated catch pool or roped-off area of water is required for each activity. A separate check-in and a single route to the start of the activity are often needed.
Operating Procedures: The activity must be conducted in accordance with Safe Swim Defense principles, and swimming ability must be appropriate for the activity.
Lifeguards must be specific to the activity and not be shared with other water activities. Appropriate guard ratios must be maintained, which includes a sufficient number of guards to scan the entire activity area with lines of sight not blocked by structures. Supervision of participants entering and leaving the activity must occur. Lifeguards must be positioned to maintain proper lines of sight for the risks associated with each type of device. Lifeguards must be provided with appropriate personal safety and rescue equipment.
Installation/Construction: Installation, including any anchoring systems, must be in accordance with manufacturing specifications. Construction of any fixed structures, towers, and ramps must be professionally designed, approved, and inspected by engineers/architects. All installations and construction must meet any state regulations on aquatics play structures.
Participant Safety Equipment: Safety equipment (such as properly fitted life jackets and helmets) must be provided to participants as appropriate for the activity.
Safety Checks: A safety check of the structure/device must occur in accordance with manufacturer specifications or at least daily. A safety check of the participant safety and lifeguard safety and rescue equipment must occur daily.
Emergency Action Plans: As part of the program hazard analysis, emergency action plans specific to the activity must be developed and approved. Emergency action plans must be practiced on a regular basis.
Aquatics Play Structure Policy PDFOperational Practices and Procedures Guidance—RockersOperational Practices and Procedures Guidance—Climbing DevicesOperational Practices and Procedures Guidance—The Blob and Other Inflated Catapult Devices
Before a Scouting America group may engage in any watercraft activity, adult leaders for such activity must complete Safety Afloat training , have a commitment card, and be dedicated to full compliance with all nine points of Safety Afloat. (Through enforcement of these nine measures, most watercraft accidents can be prevented.) At least one of the adult leaders must be trained in CPR. Safety Afloat training may be obtained from my.scouting.org , at council summer camps, and at other council and district training events.
The following information is specific to Cub Scout boating activities:
Supervision—the ratio of adult supervisors to participants is one to five.
Skill Proficiency—Canoeing, rowboating, and rafting for Cub Scouts (including Webelos Scouts) is limited to council/district events on flat-water ponds or controlled lake areas free of powerboats and sailboats. Prior to recreational canoeing, Cub Scouts are to be instructed in basic handling skills and practices.
Planning—Canoeing, rowboating, and rafting do not include “trips” or “expeditions” and are not to be conducted on running water (i.e., rivers or streams); therefore, some procedures are inapplicable. Suitable weather requires clear skies, no appreciable wind, and warm air and water.
Life jackets—All persons engaged in activity on the open water must wear properly fitted U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets.
Scuba—Youth members in Cub Scouting are not authorized to use scuba in any activity.
Safety Afloat Training, No. 34159
Safety Afloat Commitment Card, No. 34242
Aquatics Resources
Safety Afloat and Safe Swim Defense Training The Safety Afloat and Safe Swim Defense training is available in the Scouting America Learn Center, accessed via My.Scouting. Log in to My.Scouting, and after logging in, click the "Scouting America Learn Center" image. Click Expanded Learning, then Program Safety, then Program Safety, and find the courses listed on the Program Safety page.
Accessing the Training
Aquatics Supervision: A leader’s guide to youth swimming and boating activities, formerly only available for purchase from online or storefront Scout Shops, is now available for free digital download and may be printed locally. The guide supports the Aquatics Supervision Swimming & Water Rescue and Paddle Craft Safety programs and serves as a resource for the aquatics special awards.
Local Council Aquatics Committee Starter Kit (2022)
Learn about the duties outlined for a Local Council Aquatics Committee and how to integrate their efforts in your local council structure to support all aquatics activities.
Local Council Swimwear Guidelines
The Local Council Swimwear Recommendations are to aid councils in developing appropriate swimwear guidelines for their aquatics’ programs. The Scouting America National Aquatics Committee Swimwear Statement:
We recommend that swimwear should be comfortable, functional, and appropriate for the specific aquatic activity. As always, we remind everyone that Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse state, “Appropriate attire is required for all activities”. Policies should reflect Scouting America’s statement and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Aquatics Staff Guide (2022)
This guide was put together by the National Aquatics Task Force to help you, a member of your camp’s aquatics staff, do your job better. You should work with your aquatics director and camp management to use this document as a guide to your development as a staff member.
Aquatics Management Guide (2024)
The Scouting America Aquatics Management Guide is intended to serve as a guide for those tasked with planning, developing, and delivering aquatics program at all levels of Scouting. It will provide guidance for Camp Management and Aquatics Directors while, at the same time, giving Council and District professionals and volunteers direction in developing exciting and safe aquatics programs.
Paddle Craft Safety
Paddle Craft Safety expands Safety Afloat training to include the skills and knowledge needed for a unit leader to confidently supervise canoeing or kayaking excursions on flat water. The following materials are required to conduct the course.
Swimming & Water Rescue
Training for Swimming & Water Rescue provides Scouting America leaders with information and skills to prevent, recognize, and respond to swimming emergencies during unit swimming activities. It expands the awareness instruction provided by Safe Swim Defense training. The following materials are required to conduct the course.
Aquatics Supervision: Swimming & Water Rescue and Paddle Craft Safety Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to questions about the new aquatics courses.
Kayaking BSA provides an introduction to kayaking skills and safety procedures and serves as a program opportunity for Scouts BSA and Venturing units in camp or out.
Safety Afloat
Safety Afloat Safety Afloat has been developed to promote boating and boating safety and to set standards for safe unit activity afloat. (Take the course; link below.)
Safe Swim Defense
Safe Swim Defense Safe Swim Defense is a plan for conducting swimming activities in a safe manner. (Take the course; link below.)
Scuba BSA introduces qualified Scouts BSA, Venturing, and registered adult participants to the special skills, equipment, and safety precautions associated with scuba diving.
Snorkeling Safety is the recommended procedure for conducting group snorkeling at a private or public pool, wilderness pond, stream, or wherever the water looks inviting enough to take a dip.
To record the classification of nonswimmers, beginners, and swimmers.
Boardsailing Award Application
Lifeguard CPR/AED & First Aid Equivalencies
National Aquatics Workshop Materials
Here are some of the presentations from the 2018 AQUATICS WORKSHOP at the Florida Sea Base. The workshop included great discussions about current aquatics areas of focus and a sharing of ideas. Many of the presentations made during the workshop are listed in the resource section below. We hope you gained good information and a renewed perspective for aquatics programs in your council.
1. PowerPoint update of Aquatics Activity Awards and Aquatics Supervision
2. North Florida Council Aquatics Camp
4. National Capital Area Council Aquatics Programs flyer
5. Sea Scouts Today presentation
6 24th World Scout Jamboree Aquatics Update
7. American Canoe Association Paddlesports Statistics and Updates
Here are some still relevant sessions from the 2016 AQUATICS WORKSHOP
1. New and Creative Aquatics Programs and Best Practices From Councils
2. New Cub Scout Aquatics Program and Requirements
3. Important American Red Cross/BSA Agreements and Programs
4. Health and Safety Moments and Incident Reporting
5. A Great Eagle Scout “Loaner Lifejacket” Project
6. List of Aquatics Merit Badge Review Dates and Lead Subject Matter Experts