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Committee Members
Committee Chair: Ray Capp
Honarary Chair: Lee Greenwood
Finance Chair: Ian Romaine
Recognition Chair: Karen Bengtson
Marketing: Andrew Oppmann
Coffee Table Book: Tracey Rodenbach
Speaking Bureau: Ken Weaver
Unit/Monthly Theme: Kevin Phillips
Scout Jamboree: David Garrett
Cub Scout Events: Linda Stinson
Scouts BSA Events: Bob Van Cleave
Venturing Events: Don Haynes
3 Traveling Exhibitions at Spring Camporee: Don Miller/ Bobby Robinson
Trade-O-Ree: Chris Schildknecht
Alumni/Homecoming/Reunion Weekend: Tim Acree
Jamboree Show: Craig Salazar
Midway/Community/Relations: Robert Guisinger
Staff Advisor:
Andrew Dilliner
Daniel Holden
Dylan Theg
Jason Flannery
Zach Ross
Ron Turpin
Vance Lackey
Larry Brown
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